
Is Invisalign For You?

Do you have teeth that need straightening or have a gap that may need closing? If you answered yes to these questions, then orthodontics may be in your future. If this is something that you have thought about and know that it would make you have the perfect smile, but the thought of having the metal braces is holding you back, we have the answer for you. Invisalign. What exactly is invisalign? It is a form of orthodontic treatment. Instead of wearing the traditional metal braces, you would wear something that is like a clear retainer. Every few weeks, based on your personalized treatment, you would come in and have your retainers or invisalign trays switched out for a new pair. At the end of your treatment you will have the smile you have always wanted without the monthes of having metal braces. This procedure is very appealing to adults. Make an appointment with your dentist to see if you would be a good candidate for invisalign.

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