
Laser Treatment for Your Gums

In the past, gum surgery has been used to treat periodontal disease. Now, there are is a new technique offered to help fight against the disease. Just like lasik surgery is now being performed on eyes, laser treatment is being performed on the gums. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection in the gums and bone around the teeth that can lead to the loss of teeth. The laser procedure can reverse the process of periodontal disease. The procedure is alot less painful than the traditional gum surgery. Instead of cutting into the gum to get to the infection, the thin laser gets between the tooth and the gum and cleans away the infection. There are no stiches and a shorter recovery time associated with the laser treatment. This treatment is not practiced at all dental offices because it is a new procedure. Suwanee Dental Care, being up to date with the latest procedures for their patients, does use the laser treatment technique to treat periodontal disease. We would love to help get your gums healthy again.

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