
What is Sleep Apnea?

There is alot of talk about sleep apnea. Some of your friends might even talk about wearing the mask hooked up to a machine at night while they sleep. You may not know what all the fuss is about. Sleep apnea is a disorder that often times goes undiagnosed because don't realized that they have the symptoms. It is a disorder that is characterized by a reduction in a person's airflow during sleep. The symptoms of sleep apnea are daytime fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and headaches. These are just a few warning signs associated with the disease. If you are concerned that you may have sleep apnea, I suggest going to your doctor and discussing this with them. There are tests that can be done that can help diagnose if you have that disorder. The subject should also be discussed with your dentist. There are several appliances that are available to help. Call Dr. Blaze Golik for an appointment today at Suwanee Dental Care.

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