
Can Fruits and Vegetables Prevent Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is becoming something that is heard of alot more often these days. It is very important to educate yourself on ways to help prevent the disease. One simple way is to do something that we should all be doing anyway, which is eating a diet that is full of fruits and vegetables. Although it is not known what specifically in fruits and vegetables help with the prevention of oral cancer, it is known that they aid in the prevention of the disease. For example, some fruits have vitamims like C and E that have antioxidant properties which may prevent DNA damage. If this is something that is bothering you, I reccommend seeing your doctor for an examination. Most dentists also have the capability to shine a light in your mouth that would show any possible positive indications of oral cancer. At Suwanee Dental Care, this is done as a complimentary service at new patient exams and at check-up appointments for returning patients by using what is called the Velscope. Call your dentist today and remember to eat your five servings of fruits and vegetables.

1 comment:

John Smith said...

my fav pic during this is that the Dolphins in ocean..its an excellent pic with the right temporal arrangement concerned conjointly its quite wanting sort of a silhouette..great capture...

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