
Liquid Smile Bleaching

I personally have used the liquid smile bleaching pen and Love It! It is easy to use and works well. No messy leaking from bleaching trays. No bad taste that makes you feel like spitting.
You twist/turn the end of the pen; like liquid makeup, and apply to clean, dry, teeth. I floss and brush, smile wide; air drying my teeth for about a minute, and paint a thin layer on my upper and lower smile line. Presto! It is so easy!
It comes in great flavors: mint, root bear, cola and lemon-lime. Pick it up today at Suwanee Dental Care.

1 comment:

Dr. Bill Williams said...

I was asking my staff what were those boxes in the office last week and they said, "More Liquid Smile Bleaching Pens". I guess they must be hot commodities and selling like hotcakes. I didn't even know how popular they were. I always tell our patients who ask that there are five ways to whiten teeth and that we have all of them...starting with the Liquid Smile Pens on up to the Deep Bleaching Formula we do in the office with the Korr Technique.

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