
Can Metal Piercings Affect Your Oral Health

If you are thinking of having your tongue pierced, you may want to ask yourself if this would affect the health of your mouth. The answer is yes. Studies have shown that oral piercings can cause a number of different problems in your mouth. Chipped, fractured, or cracked teeth are just a few that can be a result of oral piercings. Another problem that can be caused by oral piercings is gingival recession. If you are still set on having an oral piercing after reading this, it is reccommended that you get plastic jewelry instead of metal. The metal jewelry can accumulate more bacteria than the plastic jewelry according to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. The more bacteria collected causes a greater risk for infection. Oral piercings can also have orthodontic affects on your teeth also. The piercing could affect the movement of your tongue and cause your teeth to shift. Oral piercings may be the "cool thing" to do, but they can have lasting effects on your oral health and your overall health in general. You should talk to your dentist before making a decision that could affect you so much in the long run.

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