
Have No Fear!

Many people may experience anxiety and trouble relaxing while receiving dental care. Suwanee Dental Care offers several options to help our patients experience dentistry minus their anxiety.

Conscious sedation has been an option for our patients for several years and is achieved by taking a pill. With this type of sedation, patients are relaxed in a twilight state during their entire dental visit. As a result, multiple treatments can be accomplished and patients are still able to be given instructions. This type of sedation is a great option for patients not wanting a deep sleep.

If you are looking to have a deeper sleep during your dental visit, Suwanee Dental Care now offers Intravenous Conscious Sedation (IV sedation). Dr. Golik is board certified with the state of Georgia for IV sedation and would be happy to speak with you about using this technique for your treatment.

No matter what your level of fear may be, we are sure to have a great option for you! We also offer laughing gas and NuCalm—a completely natural way to reach a relaxed state during your visit.

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