
Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

We all know someone that snores. If they keep us up at night, we often give them a hard time about it. Snoring is something that they can't help and really don't know that they are doing it. Snoring can be a sign of a serious health issue called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when you stop breathing during sleep. Each time the stops breathing during sleep, apnea, the amount of oxygen intake is decreased. This causes the brain to send a signal to the rouse the body in an effort to start breathing again. This causes a low quality of sleep which causes daytime fatigue and irritability. If left untreated, sleep apnea may lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Often people aren't aware that their dentist may be able to help with this problem. Yes, Your dentist! Your dentist may be able to provide treatment for sleep apnea through the use of oral appliances. If this sounds like it may benefit you or someone that you know, call your dentist office today and set up an appointment. Begin to enjoy a good night's sleep again.

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