
Does Having Your Wisdom Teeth Make You Wiser?

The old saying that we have all heard is that if you have your wisdom teeth, you are a wise person. Let's talk about if this is true or maybe just a funny little saying. Your wisdom teeth are considered to be your third molars. Some are born without them. Most dentists reccommend that if you have your third molars, you should have them evaluated to see if they are doing more harm than good. The extraction of your third molars maybe discussed to protect the overall health of your mouth. Extraction is usually reccommended when the wisdom teeth are only partially erupt. Wisdom teeth that are partially erupt leave an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection. Wisdom teeth that ar impacted are generally reccommended for extraction also. Impacted wisdom teeth can continue to grow without enough room causing movement of the adjacent teeth. Extractions can be performed by your general dentist or if you are in need of a dentist, we here at Suwanee Dental Care would love to welcome you as a patient. Our dentists will evaluate and help you decide if this is a route you should take.

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