
Halloween Candy

No, I am not one of those houses that gives out toothbrushes. Candy is not the cause of cavities. Diet is.
Every time you put something into your mouth, the PH becomes lower, more acidic, to help break down food. This is part of the digestive process along with chewing. It is a combination of how frequently we eat and drink along with what we eat and drink.
The worst culprit, soda. Even sugar free or diet soda. Soda has phosphoric acid to create bubbles. Lighter or citrus flavor sodas also have citric acid. We use citric acid in dentistry to roughen tooth surfaces to bond filling material.
Sports drinks are also very acidic and cause problems when sipped on over a long period of time. Water is the best to rehydrate.
Cookies, chips and pretzels are long chains of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are sugar. When cookies, chips and pretzels get wet with saliva they get sticky and stay in the grooves of the teeth.
Chocolate, within moderation, is actually a better snack. The fat in chocolate make the tooth slick so it does not stick to it.
We hand out chocolate for trick or treats!

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