
Do you have bad breath?

Is bad breath a constant worry for you? Well, don't feel like you are the only one that has this problem. In fact, it is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from this. Many people are unaware of their breath until someone has the courage to tell them. Once they know of the problem, it is something that is usually on their mind constantly. They will do anything to help avoid the embarrassment that bad breath causes. Millions of dollars a year are spent on mouth washes, mints, or flavoring agents. Chronic bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, is definitely a serious social problem.

There are many different causes of bad breath. Disorders of the oral cavity cause up to 85% to 90% of halitosis cases. The more common causes are dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, dental decay, gingivitis, or gum disease. Bad breath can also be a sign of a more serious disease. Diabetes is one of the best examples of this.

The first step in fighting halitosis is diagnosing the problem. Our Doctors here at Suwanee Dental Care can do this for you and help you through the process of having fresh breath again. Call today and put an end to your bad breath problems.

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